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Directional Drilling Optimization with Mud Motor and Rotary Steerable System

Ghassan Addai Majeed Majeed

Directional Drilling Optimization with Mud Motor and Rotary Steerable System.

Rel. Raffaele Romagnoli. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Petroleum And Mining Engineering (Ingegneria Del Petrolio E Mineraria), 2020

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Today directional wells are of large interest to the petroleum industry because they supply an attractive means for developing both production rate and recovery performance. The great evolution in drilling technology makes it possible to drill horizontal wells with complex paths and extended for interest depths. The main goals in a successful drilling operation are to create economic and safe efficient wells, But the success depends on the goal hitting. The drilling operation described by very high standards of implementation that’s mean the good drilling operation depends on a good well plan. Well trajectory schedule is consisting of many components but finally comes down to distinguish the most optimum well trajectory. This thesis reviews the introduction of the directional drilling, advantage, disadvantage of "DD", the main terminology of "DD" and the main application of directional drilling. The chapter two review the main deflection tools from the old directional tool until to today technology with the main structure and scheme for every tool, the bottom hole assembly configuration” and the directional survey technology overview from the past until today. The performance of the advanced directional drilling "Rotary Steerable System and Conventional Steerable "Motor", depend on these following parameters: "Rate of Penetration (ROP), overall drilling cost, borehole quality and lost in hole cost". This empirical study uses literature study and quantitative data analysis from several wells in "Mavvar" oil field in Russia and another case study in “Gulf of Mexico". The result explains that the "Rotary Steerable System (RSS) " provides better performance and more efficient in the parameters mentioned above. Then the chapter three displays of the conventional directional drilling method tools " (Mud motor) " and explained by details the types of the mud motor with structure graphically, benefits and drawbacks for every tool. The most important chapter that I focus on it is the chapter four because it includes the advanced directional drilling tools which is called Rotary Steerable System (RSS) then review the major technologies of RSS and the advantage of it to improve the performance of the directional drilling with mention the types of it according to the oil world service companies which used it (Auto track, PowerDrive and Geopilot) tools. The main objective of this thesis is mentioned in the chapter five that demonstrate both tangible and intangible benefits resulting from the using of conventional directional oil drilling “Mud motor” and the advanced directional drilling by using the rotary steerable systems (RSS) and make the comparison between the two tools based on theoretical and practical ways. The comparison has been considered by the main drilling parameters which improve the drilling performance like the rate of penetration (ROP), COST of oil well drilling, Lost Inside Hole (LIH) and borehole quality. The comparison is as review of the study worked in Mvvar oil field in Russia in 2019 by researcher mentioned them by details in last chapter.

Relators: Raffaele Romagnoli
Academic year: 2020/21
Publication type: Electronic
Number of Pages: 97
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Petroleum And Mining Engineering (Ingegneria Del Petrolio E Mineraria)
Classe di laurea: New organization > Master science > LM-35 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
Aziende collaboratrici: UNSPECIFIED
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/16248
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