Chiara Cuatto
Diver-cidade : another approach for the urbanization of brazilian "informal settlements".
Rel. Riccardo Balbo, Alfredo Mela, Carolina Pacchi, Silvia Mikami Pina. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2016
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Abstract: |
Some time ago, I went through a student crisis; perceiving that what I have been studied for over three years seemed to be useless and designated only to some rich and powerful 1% of the population. With this perspective in mind, there was also the undeniable fact that to be such a professional for the 1%, the pos¬ture to adopt was not the purest. Accordingly the rest 99% looked to me that was perfectly able to solve their problems even, and some¬times better, without architects thinking for them. After 4 years of University I was questioning the role of the architect and its relevance, I was sure that it was a dead occupation. Then I came to Brazil. Main reason: to see how people without urban planners, engineers’ structures and architects' design, deals with cities. And, differently from what western thoughts would suggest, cities works anyway. After the first months of adapting and learning the language I started perceiving the real nature of the problems of a continuously colonized country. I started seeing the social injustices going on every day and I started realize how much Europe, in some way very different, could learn from those places. What impressed me the most was the different meaning we give to common words, the meaning of the words is not something imposed, universal, it is dynamic, it changes. It changes accordingly to the culture, the society, the problems, the politics and the politicians. If words change so much, the rest of the elements composing our everyday life can just change as much. This shift in mean¬ings was essential to me, and it is something very often unseen by the people that should deal with it, that should deal with differences and people. Architects as one of them. So what initially seemed to me ugly, unbelievably messy and chaotic, drastically changed perspective. I saw' beauty where I was not trained to see it, I saw humanity in places you do not expect to find. Far from being romantic, I just abandoned my western European interpretative filters to observe before judging, and to focus back the lenses on people. What we usually call minorities arc, most of the time, the weak majorities. I want to focus on these majorities.
Relatori: | Riccardo Balbo, Alfredo Mela, Carolina Pacchi, Silvia Mikami Pina |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AO Progettazione G Geografia, Antropologia e Luoghi geografici > GD Estero SS Scienze Sociali ed economiche > SSF Scienze sociali |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | Unicamp - Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/4600 |
Capitoli: | 0.INTRODUCTION 1.ENLARGING THE PERSPECTIVE. GLOBAL TRENDS General framework Contemporary society as «corporative society» Mass culture and propaganda as tools to naturalize concepts and shape cities Fortified cities Are we living a new totalitarianism? The right to work is a fundamental right 2.CORNERSTONES A possible system glitch and the common attitude Problem setting vs. Problem solving Urbanization vs. Removals Participatory Design Case Studies 3. BRAZIL North Influence on Southern Countries Why Brazil? Brazilian Urbanization from 1940 onward 4.CAMPINAS Where and what does it represent for the region? Campinas in Pictures Campinas in timc.LINE Campinas in MAPS 5.PARQUE OZIEL: THE PROBLEM SETTING Introduction to the methodology History and Development of the Parque Oziel General Overview Parque Oziel in Pictures Complexity and Marcotopic Analysis 6.PARQUE OZIEL: ACTION PLAN Differences with reality, the need of a multidisciplinary team The actors and the complexity of relations *87 I c. Strategic Masterplan Participation Focal Points Summary of the Actions 7.CONCLUSIONS 8.BIBLIOGRAPHY |
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