Feng Gu
Research on Danwei and Regeneration Modes of Industry Danwei in Beijing.
Rel. Mauro Berta, Michele Bonino. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per La Sostenibilità, 2014
Abstract: |
Abstract The danwei and danwei system, are the unique forms of social organization in China and seems to be strange in the western society. In this program promoted by Politecnico di Torino and Compagnia di San Paolo, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, in the way of forming the Team of Memory Regeneration, the joint research aimed at introducing the Chinese way of social and spatial organization, transformation, and regeneration modes of Chinese danwei, to the west. This thesis is the very first production of the team and the goal of it is to provide general background information of danwei and danwei system from a more architectural point of view. The following products of the team would include a series of thesis regarding driving forces, actors and players in danwei system and the transition process. In the 2 months' field work in Beijing, through a wide ranged study of general information regarding danwei, a set of 4 industrial danwei examples were chosen. They are, respectively, Xinhua 1949, No. 2 Cotton Textile Factory, 2nd Thermal Power Plant, and Ertong. Each of the examples represented a certain amount of special characters of danwei and danwei system, and the researches on them and comparing them with the western examples would provide valuable information and experiences to the future reform of danwei system in China. |
Relatori: | Mauro Berta, Michele Bonino |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Parole chiave: | Keywords: Danwei, reform, regeneration, spatiality, modes, comparisons, Xinhua, Textile, Thermal, Ertong, Falchera, Leumann |
Soggetti: | G Geografia, Antropologia e Luoghi geografici > GD Estero SS Scienze Sociali ed economiche > SSG Sociologia |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per La Sostenibilità |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/3896 |
Capitoli: | Table of Contents Abstract Chapter 1, Danwei 1.1 Danwei 1.2 Spatial Characteristics of Danwei Compound 1.2.1 Basic Spatial Modes of Danwei Compound 1.2.2 Spatial Orders of Danwei Compound 1.2.3 Spatiality of Danwei Compound 1.2.4 Spatial Changes in Danwei Compound 1.3 Summary Chapter 2, Chinese Application of Danwei System Chapter 3, Beijing Practice 3.1 The system of protection and reuse of Chinese industry heritage 3.1.1. The definition of industrial heritage 3.1.2. Defining principles of Chinese industrial heritage 3.1.3. Initial explorations on Chinese industrial heritage protection and reuse system 3.2 Studies of history of Beijing industry development 3.2.1 Overview of Beijing Industry Development 3.2.2 The characteristics of Beijing industry development 3.2.3 The evolution of Beijing industrial layouts 3.2.4 Current situations of industrial enterprises in Beijing 3.2.5 Summary Chapter 4, Case Study 4.1 Xinhua 1949 4.1.1 History and the Evolution of Xinhua Printing Press 4.1.2 The Xinhua 1949 Project 4.1.3 Problems and Future Prospects 4.2 Legend Town 4.2.1 History and the Evolution of Beijing No. 2 Cotton Textile Factory 4.2.2 The Legend Town Project 4.2.3 Problems and Future Prospects 4.3 China Animation and Gaming City 4.3.1 The History 4.3.2 The project and the modes of the transformation 4.4 The 2nd Thermal Power Plant 4.4.1 Project Overview 4.4.2 Range of the Research and Focus of the Planning 4.4.3 History and Evolution of the Area 4.4.4 Current Situation 4.4.5 Problems and Ideas for Reconstruction 4.4.6 The Main Concern in Transforming "Er Re" Area 4.4.7 Goal of the Planning 4.4.8 Concepts of the Planning and Analysis 4.4.9 Positioning of "Er Re" and its Surrounding Areas 4.4.10 Urban plan of the Reconstruction of the region Chapter 5, Conclusion and Comparison with Western Examples 5.1 Strategies of Regeneration 5.1.1 Analysis on Strategies 5.1.2 strategies of regeneration 5.2 Application Strategy 5.2.1 Strategy Outlines 5.2.2 Application Strategy 5.2.3 Security Policies 5.3 Organization Modes 5.3.1 Mode Analysis 5.3.2 Modes of Regeneration 5.3.3 Types of Regeneration 5.4 Danwei Prospects and Comparison with Examples in Torino 5.4.1 INA-Casa Falchera 5.4.2 Villagio Leumann 5.5 Comparisons with the Chinese Danwei System and Conclusion Bibliography Credits |
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