Estefania Tapias Pedraza
A method for the creation and evaluation of microclimate friendly urban typologies: the case study of altstetten, Zurich.
Rel. Antje Kunze, Giuseppe Roccasalva, Gerhard Schmitt. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per La Sostenibilità, 2012
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Abstract: |
All over the world cities are growing with a shortage of resources. It is indispensable to implement transdisciplinary strategies for urban planning in order to develop attractive and eco-friendly environments. Therefore, with the case study of the Limmattal Region in Switzerland, the NRP65 SUPat project aims to integrate qualitative and quantitative design and research activities throughout collaborative urban planning processes and visualization-simulation tools. In this way, different regional future scenarios are evaluated and explored in order to proposed sustainable urban patterns for future developments. The focus of this thesis is to contribute to the NRP65 project throughout a method proposal. This approach integrates climate and comfort parameters within the "envelope" theory, using environmental analysis tools (Autodesk Ecotect and Autodesk Vasari), and applying this into existing block typologies in order to obtain urban design strategies for the densification of cities. To achieve this, a series of steps had to be considered as analysis and research processes. At the end, a final envelope was created for a local case study in Alt-stetten, Zurich (Residential focus area: Baslerstrasse- Grundstrasse - Frei-hofstrasse), which is the result of sustainable urban design strategies. This envelope works as a set of possible development areas for the densification of existing blocks. From this initial envelope, four different block designs were created for each future scenarios. With these four new variants, the idea was to make a loop and further simulate the environmental effects with Autodesk Ecotect and Autodesk Project Vasari, in order to evaluate the proposed method. The general purpose of this method is to create a process, which combines environmental analysis tools with urban analysis and research procedures to survey on micro-climate friendly urban typologies.
Relatori: | Antje Kunze, Giuseppe Roccasalva, Gerhard Schmitt |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AO Progettazione U Urbanistica > UK Pianificazione urbana |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per La Sostenibilità |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Zürich - Schweiz, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Zürich - Schweiz |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/2904 |
Capitoli: | Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Hypothesis and Research Question 1.4 Introduction to the SUPat Project Theoretical Background State of the Art 2.1 Information Architecture 2.2 Collaborative City Design . 2.3 Form-Based Code 2.4 Grammars and Design Patterns 2.5 Urban Simulation and Modeling 2.5.1 Simulation in Architecture 2.5.2 Procedural Modeling 2.6 Urban Evaluation Urban Design Strategies 3.1 Urban Morphology 3.1.1 Morphological Elements 3.1.2 Morphological Transformation 3.1.3 Connected Street Patterns 3.1.4 Urban Block 3.1.5 Urban Block Size 3.1.6 Urban Coding 3.2 Quality of Urban Space 3.2.1 Principles of Organization of Urban Elements . . 3.2.2 Visual Quality of Space 3.2.3 Urban Traffic 3.2.4 Density and Concentration 3.3 Urban Layouts - Densification of Existing Urban Blocks in Implementation and Evaluation of the Framework 4 Case Study: Zurich Altstetten 4.1 Limmattal Region 4.2 Zurich Altstetten Introduction to the Method 5.1 Overview 5.2 Method Steps Elaboration of Regional and Urban Analysis 6.1 Regional Analysis 6.2 Urban Analysis 6.2.1 Urban Systems 6.2.2 Urban Strategies Conceptual Diagrams for the SUPat Future Scenarios 7.1 Description of the SUPat Future Scenarios 7.2 Conceptual Diagrams 8 Selection and Characterization of Existing Block Typologies 8.1 Definition and Documentation of Existing Block Types .... 8.2 Categorization of Block Types According to Design Guide lines and Building Typologies 9 Integration and Adaptation of Climate and Comfort Param eters within the Envelope Concept 9.1 Overview 9.2 Steps of the New Envelope 10 Development of Different Block Designs 10.1 Character City 10.2 Smart City 10.3 Pure Dynamic 10.4 Charming Valley 11 Microclimate Evaluation of the Different Block Designs 11.1 Character City 11.2 Smart City 11.3 Pure Dynamic 11.4 Charming Valley 12 Conclusions and Outlook 12.1 Further Work Bibliography List of Figures Annex
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