Enrico Castorello
3D modeling of architectural elements using photogrammetric approach : examples from traditional architecture in Bali.
Rel. Filiberto Chiarabrando, Massimiliano Lo Turco, Peter Ferschin. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2017
Abstract: |
Traditional architectures in Bali are designed according to ancient rules based on philosophical and building tradition. These rules have a connection with the religious belief system and are originated from the body dimensions of the building leader. A parameterization of these rules in a digital tool, creating a shape grammar workflow, allows to protect this intangible heritage and to obtain automatically generated designs that can be adapted for contemporary use cases. Digital photogrammetry permits an easier generation of three dimensional textured models that could be used in BIM platforms for historical buildings. In this project photogrammetry will be used to create a library of building components such as base and stem columns, roofs, statues, entrances, etc. This library should be used for various three-dimensional modelling environments and, in this project, applied to modelling of traditional Balinese residences with contemporary procedural environments that allow the integration into BIM software. Although BIM is a wide-spread technology inside contemporary architectural design little research is related to methodologies in the cultural heritage domain. This combination of three-dimensional digital survey and parametric modelling can be used to archive and explain design principles of architectural heritage. The aim of this thesis is to discover a possible strategy of protecting architectural design principles that can be adapted to different cultural regions. KEYWORDS - Photogrammetric survey; traditional architecture in Bali; architectural heritage; parametric model; building information modelling. |
Relatori: | Filiberto Chiarabrando, Massimiliano Lo Turco, Peter Ferschin |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | D Disegno industriale e arti applicate > DH Disegno U Urbanistica > UD GIS U Urbanistica > UM Tutela dei beni paesaggistici |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/6300 |
Capitoli: | Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Traditional Balinese architectures 2.1 Architectural rules and architects 2.2 Village layout 2.3 Materials 2.4 Rituals 2.5 Decorations 3. 3. Photogrammetry: historical overview 3.1 From digital photogrammetry to SFM 3.2 Photogrammetry overview 3.3 Photogrammetry strategies 3.4 Equipments 3.5 Three dimensional modelling: process steps 3.6 Results 4. BIM 4.1 Historic BIM model 4.2 Parametric objects 4.3 Workflow between photogrammetry and BIM platform 5. Conclusions and future developments 6. Appendix 6.1 Dictionary 6.2 Models 7. Bibliography |
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