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First approach to identification of microplastics sampled from touristic cave

Elmir Novruzzade

First approach to identification of microplastics sampled from touristic cave.

Rel. Paola Marini, Rossana Bellopede, Valentina Balestra. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Petroleum And Mining Engineering (Ingegneria Del Petrolio E Mineraria), 2022

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Nowadays, the ecosystems of natural environment are loaded with great number of polutants. One of them which is becoming increasily hazardous is microplastic. Microplastics are plastic substances within the size range of 1 to 5 mm. They can be manufactured as intended inputs to hygiene products or derive from larger plastic compounds. Their main danger rely on size scope which make them practically inconspicuous. Futhermore, microplastic particles are able to absorb high amount of contaminants as heavy metals or organic polutants. In our study, we operated experiments on soil from the show cave in order to detect and quantify the microplastic particles. We backed our procedures with information from several related research papers and tried to provide a correlation between significant factors. Moreover, we identified the most abundant polymer types and their sources to environment. Accordingly, we were able to investigate the pathways of microplastics and how they affect humans and natural surroundings. Similarly, we point out the most modern techniques for their identification and provided both advantages and drawbacks of each method.Firstly, we started by separating processes to determine the most effiecient way of achieving microplastic from soil matrix. Then, we continued with observed their size distribution and quantity along different locations of show cave. In the end, we recorded the most optimized solutions which worked for us and gave our opinions on future prespective of microplastic polution.

Relators: Paola Marini, Rossana Bellopede, Valentina Balestra
Academic year: 2021/22
Publication type: Electronic
Number of Pages: 62
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Petroleum And Mining Engineering (Ingegneria Del Petrolio E Mineraria)
Classe di laurea: New organization > Master science > LM-35 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
Aziende collaboratrici: UNSPECIFIED
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/22000
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