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Design of a Felxible and Efficient On-board Gateway Controller Testing System

Haoning Yu

Design of a Felxible and Efficient On-board Gateway Controller Testing System.

Rel. Guido Albertengo. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Automotive Engineering (Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo), 2021

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With the development of the Automotive Industry, Internet of Vehicles and Autonomous Driving has become an established trend[6]. In order to support the function requirements, more and more Electronic Control Units have been applied on the vehicles. As the core structure of the automotive electronics, Automotive On-board Gateway Controller (GW) can realize the communication and management functions between different ECUs and different bus types, for example CAN, LIN, MOST, FlexRay. In order to ensure the normal working performance of the GW, the test engineer needs to conduct a comprehensive test on the GW before it can be installed on the vehicle. According to automotive software development V-model, Test activities account for almost half of the development process. Excessive testing will waste manpower and time resources. However, insufficient quality and coverage of tests may cause potential harm to the system. The autonomous testing system can significantly reduce the time and manpower invested in testing activities. This paper starts with the research of existing testing technologies. By analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, the following points are summarized, 1) Almost all autonomous test systems only support single-function testing, which leads to the need to switch test systems and tools when testing different functions. 2) Since the test system is not only designed for GW ecu, it may lack checkpoints. 3) The Vector Canoe tool combines good compatibility and reliability, and is widely used by OEMs and suppliers for test system development. The main body of thesis consists of three parts. 1) Analyze the main functions and working principles of GW and introduce the testing technology. 2) Aiming at the main functions of GWC, namely Routing and Diagnostics, a practical test plan is designed. 3) Design an autonomous test system. 4) Test and verify the function and applicability of the system. This article starts with the background and significance of GW research and analyzes the development of ECU test technology worldwide. Then it summarizes the single function and low efficiency problems of the current test system. In order to improve the performance of the test system, based on the needs of OEMs and existing test technology, an automatic test system is designed using Vector CANoe. First of all, for the most important function of the gateway, that is, message/signal routing, this article analyzes the working principle of the gateway and the standard specifications of the gateway, and clarifies the evaluation criteria of the test system. The coverage of test cases is also guaranteed through the analysis and application of the Decision Table Method at the same time. Secondly, based on the evaluation criteria and the designed test plan, an automated test system is designed using CAPL scripts and Python scripts with Test modules. The last part is to verify the automated test system and evaluate its feasibility.

Relators: Guido Albertengo
Academic year: 2021/22
Publication type: Electronic
Number of Pages: 81
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Automotive Engineering (Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo)
Classe di laurea: New organization > Master science > LM-33 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Aziende collaboratrici: HiRain Technologies
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/20779
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