Virginia Arlotto
Re-thinking Pittsburgh : the new smart box.
Rel. Roberta Ingaramo. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2017
Abstract: |
"Architecture is designed off the basis of a life-cycle. Each building is created with the intent of fulfilling a required service for a specified period of time, but what happens when that time period has expired?" (Philippe Robert) There are many buildings that become vacant after their life-cycle has been fulfilled; without a function, these buildings will slowly decline into extinction. The reuse of former industrial buildings by incorporating new programs and contemporary materials can highlight and restore the authentic values that they possessed. The exterior shell of a reused industrial building will incorporate links of new and historic constructions. The interior will utilize framing of new constructions to emphasize and complement the former structure and to better understand how a former industrial building can be reused with another purpose. The combination of both types can create projects with extensive memory and purpose while still having economic benefits. The cities of Pittsburgh, Chicago, New York and many others provide an opportunity to study these methods because of their industrial building stocks, their postindustrial contexts and their current economic status. The outcome of this thesis will be realized through the mixed use [re]project of an industrial building located in Pittsburgh: The Federal Cold Storage. This former industrial building will contribute to create a new neighborhood that will positively influence the environment, the people who live and/or work there. In order to better understand how a cold storage can be reused, I have analyzed four comparable examples of reused cold storages, similar by dimension to my project building. Therefore, the selected case studies are related to specific urban interventions that have been realized in the previous ten years and all linked to the topic of reuse of industrial buildings. Each case study includes a survey with the main information regarding the type of building, the reuse and the strategies of the redevelopment. The goal is to understand how they have been treated and redeveloped to give them and to their surrounding neighborhood a new use. |
Relators: | Roberta Ingaramo |
Publication type: | Printed |
Subjects: | A Architettura > AO Design |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | UNSPECIFIED |
Aziende collaboratrici: | UNSPECIFIED |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/6284 |
Chapters: | ABSTRACT 1: THE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 CASE STUDY ANALYSIS 1.2.1 History and architecture of a cold storage building 1.2.2 Architecture of industrial spaces 1.2.3 Reuse projects 1.2.4 Conclusion 2: PITTSBURGH AND THE FEDERAL COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE 2.1 THE SITE: Pittsburgh and the Strip District 2.1.1 Analysis of the Strip District 3: THE FUTURE FACTORY 3.1 Nina Rappaport’s future factory: vertical and dense, transparent, hybrid, glocal, sustainable 4: (RE)PROJECT THE FEDERAL COLD STORAGE 4.1 The history of the Federal Cold Storage 4.2 Three options of REUSE: A -B -C 4.3 The REUSE Project CONCLUSION NOTES |
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