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Hong Kong urban lab : explorations into city's density

Martina Bonardo, Giulia Quaglia

Hong Kong urban lab : explorations into city's density.

Rel. Mauro Berta, Marta Carla Bottero, Alessandra Oppio, Wallace Ping Hung Chang, Francesca Frassoldati. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2015

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Hong Kong urban environment is strongly characterized by super-density features, namely representing a problem In terms of liveability and space quality. This thesis elects the city as a research lab to inquire into urban density issue, both on a theoretical and strategical level. Indeed the argument is composed by two parts. The first one deals mainly with Hong Kong as urban entity, trying to analyze its features under different point of views; conversely the second one focuses on Kwun Tong district, an underdevelopment urban fragment that acts as micro-scale city mirror. The former section looks at understanding current urban circumstances and how the city became a super dense metropolis. Indeed, historical, geographical and political assumptions are explored in order to illustrate how they affected last centuries city’s development. In particular a research about real estate management clarifies land administration and market potentialities together with related social issues. On the other hand, latter chapters concentrate on design strategies able to cope with such reality. The effort involves an innovative evaluation process that aims at considering stakeholders position throughout a combination of tangible and intangible values. Indeed, the method foresees the application of project evaluation tools, that by ranking likely development scenarios, ensure transparency and consistency to the whole work, besides making the method transferable to other plausible situations. Finally the most performing alternative is developed in a strategical design proposal, according to desired architectural features pointed out by prior researches. Eventually Kwun Tong Marina Bay is the result of such process, and represents a likely development that tries to answer to density related concerns while coping with the complexity of a big scale urban regeneration.

Relators: Mauro Berta, Marta Carla Bottero, Alessandra Oppio, Wallace Ping Hung Chang, Francesca Frassoldati
Publication type: Printed
Subjects: U Urbanistica > UK Pianificazione urbana
U Urbanistica > UL PVS Paesi in via di sviluppo
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città
Classe di laurea: UNSPECIFIED
Aziende collaboratrici: UNSPECIFIED
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/4228


0.1 Rethoric of density

0.2 Density tools

1 Hong Kong borrowed time

1.1 Hiang Xiang, the unripe Hong hong

1.2 Migrations

1.3 One country, Two systems

2 A chorographic interpretation

2.1 Natural Landscape

2.2 Land reclamation

2.3 Anthropic setting

3 Technical answer

3.1 Legal system

3.2 Real estate

3.3 Strategies

4 Urban density dark sides

4.1 Susbsidized housing machine

4.2 At the top of the towers

4.3 Living in a cage

4.4 Social mobility SOCO

4.5 High rise and bach alleys

4.6 Public space

DOSSIER Kwun Tong marina Bay: Why?

5 Kwun Tong

5.1 Undergoing situation of a citY mirror.

5.2 A step bacK

5.3 SWOT

5.4 A vacant plot

6 Design method

6.1 Evaluation process. .

6.2 Step I: stakeholder analysis

6.3 Step 2: Scenario Building

6.4 Step 3: Questionnaires.

6.5 Step 4: NAIADE

6.6 Step 5- MAVT

7 Application

7.1 Stakeholder analysis...

7.2 Scenario Building

7.3 Questionnaires...

7.4 NAIADE qualitative evaluation

7.5 MAVT quantitive evaluation

8 Kwun Tong marina Baq

8.1 Strategy

8.2 Benefits

8.3 Social benefits


Final considerations


Density concerns


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