Laura Catalina Corredor Lopez
Urban requalification of public spaces of the quadrilater area of San Salvario, Turin.
Rel. Silvia Gron. Politecnico di Torino e Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotà (Colombia), Corso di laurea magistrale in Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica E Paesaggistico-Ambientale, 2013
Abstract: |
Currently, we live in a predominantly urban world where a large percentage of the population live and spend most of their time in urban centers. It is in this way, as the different governments try to tackle the challenges imposed by the urban life and development of cities due to the quality of life of many individuals depends on the characteristics of cities. Therefore in this reality,this thesis proposes as an element that seeks the recovery of public spaces in an area which has been subject to various urban policies over the years, but now does not see a strong element that responds to the physical and social processes of degradation. The main objective is to individualize the interventions of urban regeneration of public spaces that can be applied in the context of the area of quadrilateral of San Salvario in Turin. The content has been structured in three chapters; in the first chapter are presented three sections: the first of them presented the general characteristics of the neighborhood; with the documentation obtained, it was possible to build the historical context of it, which has been recognizing the different urban proposals for its development through the years. In the second step were analyzed the physical conditions in terms of the main components that distinguish the place from other areas of the city, information obtained from different visits to the area. Finally, in the third part the information was obtained from interviews with residents and people who have contact with the neighborhood, so to individuate which could be the areas subject of intervention in the territory. In the second chapter are analyzed the various urban regeneration policies applied from a European perspective to a local level, specifically to the area of San Salvario are analyzed the proposed of urban transformation, which have been subject of different urban policies and the results of the executed actions. In the third chapter are presented the line guide for the occupation of public spaces in San Salvario, as methodological contribution to public institutions, specifically to the ad - ministration of the municipality of Turin. This thesis was based on the experiences of integrated programs of area (P.I.A.) made by the local administration in different parts of the city, which allowed answering the problematic of the occupation of public spaces. Is in this sense that this instrument of urban planning offers an innovation in the design of the future of the city and allows the implementation in the area of San Salvario with the aim of resolving the current situation. In the same way, this process of urban regeneration of public spaces is proposed as a element that not only requires the participation of the local administration, but also of the resident population of the area, able to design the future, guided by the Agency of Local development of the neighborhood. |
Relatori: | Silvia Gron |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AF Edifici e attrezzature per il tempo libero, le attività sociali, lo sport SS Scienze Sociali ed economiche > SSG Sociologia U Urbanistica > UK Pianificazione urbana |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica E Paesaggistico-Ambientale |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/3375 |
Capitoli: | Introduction 1. San Salvario 1.1 General Overview of the area 1.2 Historical Profile - A new phase of urban planning - Italian s Capital - The boom in San Salvario - Degradation 1.3 Settlement profile Building structure - Public Space - Mobility and flows - Green Areas Demography - Activities - Art 1.4. Perceptual profile 2. Renewal Urban Policies 2.1 Renewal Urban Policies in Europe 2.2 Renewal Urban Policies in Italy 2.3 Renewal Urban Policies in Piemonte Region 2.4 Renewal Urban Policies in Turin 2.5 Renewal Urban Policies in San Salva¬rio 3. Line guide for the occupation of pu¬blic land in San Salvario 3.1 Masterplan 3.2 Public spaces 3.3 Particatory planning 3.4 Green Walls 3.5 Sustaibable Paths 3.6 Largo Saluzzo 3.7 Courtyards 4. Conclusion 5. Bibliography Aneex |
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