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The Renewal Strategies of Waterfront Industrial Heritages in Guangzhou from an Urban Catalyst Perspective - A Case Study on Wenchong Shipyard

Hanhan Zhang

The Renewal Strategies of Waterfront Industrial Heritages in Guangzhou from an Urban Catalyst Perspective - A Case Study on Wenchong Shipyard.

Rel. Daniele Campobenedetto. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2023

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Waterfront areas, due to their natural geographic proximity to water bodies, have historically been hubs for large-scale industrial and related industries. However, in recent years,with the rapid advancement of urbanization, industrial projects in urban waterfront areas have gradually relocated, creating an urgent need for the transformation and renewal of urban waterfront industrial heritage. Within these aging industrial heritage sites, some well-preserved structures with specific historical styles still exist, reflecting outstanding buildings and structures that encapsulate the urban memory of a particular era. Against the backdrop of stock development and urban renewal, the proposal of targeted renewal strategies for waterfront industrial heritage faces numerous challenges. Guangzhou holds a significant historical position in the industrial development history in China. The central urban area along the riverbank has accumulated a large number of long- standing and distinctive waterfront old industrial zones, some of which have been demolished or renovated. However, nearly half of them are still facing the wave of urban renewal. Against the backdrop of Guangzhou's 'two out, three in' policy, to meet the new functional requirements of the city, it is of great significance to review the overall situation of Guangzhou's waterfront industrial heritage and explore its renewal strategy path. The study, based on the urban catalyst theory and an analysis of the current status of Guangzhou's waterfront industrial heritage, first summarizes the catalyst design potential of Guangzhou's waterfront industrial heritage in terms of location, spatial utilization, cultural and ecological value. Secondly, it constructs renewal strategies for Guangzhou's waterfront industrial heritage based on the catalyst theory, consisting of four parts: selection from the catalyst perspective, determination of catalyst elements and carriers, activation and reshaping of catalysts, and control and guidance of catalyst reactions. Catalyst elements include functional, cultural, and ecological elements, while catalyst carriers encompass point, line, and surface in three types. Strategies for the activation and reshaping of catalyst elements involve functional integration, cultural integration, ecological integration, reshaping the transportation system, reshaping public spaces, and new construction. Strategies for the control and guidance of catalyst reactions include overall control and phased construction, as well as policy and event-based guidance, promoting the positive and friendly development of Guangzhou's waterside industrial heritage, establishing friendly connections with urban neighborhoods, and fostering linked development, activating formerly deteriorated or abandoned industrial parks, and encouraging the renewal and revitalization of individual buildings. This study offers a new perspective for the conservation and renewal of Guangzhou's waterfront industrial heritage and provides valuable experience and inspiration for the management and activation of waterfront industrial heritage in other cities.

Relators: Daniele Campobenedetto
Academic year: 2023/24
Publication type: Electronic
Number of Pages: 217
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città
Classe di laurea: New organization > Master science > LM-04 - ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING
Aziende collaboratrici: Politecnico di Torino
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/30060
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