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Spatial Optimisation and Vitality Enhancement Strategies for Urban Villages with the Intervention of Digital Analytics

Zihe Wang

Spatial Optimisation and Vitality Enhancement Strategies for Urban Villages with the Intervention of Digital Analytics.

Rel. Mauro Berta, Edoardo Bruno. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2023

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The space and management problems of urban villages have long been complicated by the pursuit of illegal additions to buildings for profit and a large and diverse transient population. This situation has not only led to a deterioration in space quality, but has also had a negative impact on the psychological state of the residents. Many urban village areas suffer from a lack of street vitality, which is reflected in commercial decay, space congestion, unreasonable street use and the destruction of the natural landscape. However, the conventional idea of knocking down and redeveloping urban villages only transfers the functions and problems they originally carried to another location, which not only fails to fundamentally solve the problem from an urban perspective, but also results in the loss of the city's distinctive culture and service population, and is not applicable to urban regeneration in the context of stock. Therefore, a new way of thinking about urban regeneration is needed to deal with the problem of urban villages. The complexity of space and activities in urban villages is higher than in urban areas in general, and some problems are therefore difficult to identify and solve under conventional space design theory. The use of digital analysis allows for an objective evaluation of a particular space characteristic, and a combination of techniques can be used to characterise the area at an objective level. This provides powerful data support and guidance for recognition of urban village areas, the identification of potential problems and design. In this paper, we focus on Lijiao Village, Guangzhou, and use a combination of space syntax, POI, street map and traditional urban design analysis to identify and evaluate low-quality spaces in Lijiao Village and propose relevant design strategies based on field research, physical space, topological space and real space. Finally, on the basis of the above design strategies, the space structure of Lijiao Village will be optimised as a whole, the residents of the village will be guided in the use of the space, and the core areas will be targeted for regeneration as design examples to enhance the street vitality of the whole area. In conclusion, it is hoped that through the comprehensive analysis and guidance of the above theories, the paper will create a warm and high-quality living space for Lijiao Village and provide new ideas for the regeneration design of urban villages.

Relators: Mauro Berta, Edoardo Bruno
Academic year: 2022/23
Publication type: Electronic
Number of Pages: 212
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città
Classe di laurea: New organization > Master science > LM-04 - ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING
Aziende collaboratrici: UNSPECIFIED
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/28026
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