
Juliana Sarmiento Barbosa
Productive projects for building peace in Colombia.
Rel. Matteo Robiglio, Elena Montacchini. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per Il Progetto Sostenibile, 2017
Abstract: |
INTRODUCTION THE REGION OF LATIN AMERICA Due to the uncertainty of political changes, economic instability, social volatility and environmental needs, the challenges toward an intervention on the Latin American context regarding the next decades targets a sustainable and appropriate approach that is referred to the limits, potential and possibilities of the region. The generic sustainable speech rationally aims and prioritizes the globally favorable long-term solutions over short-term individual gains, looks toward a redefinition of quality of life and questions values that are often culturally determined, that are why definitions of sustainability remain open to interpretation on the unique speech that Latin America has. Latin America and the Caribbean is made up of 41 very diverse countries, some middle-income countries such as Mexico and Chile, and less developed countries such as Haiti; Small island states to vast territories such as Brazil and Argentina. In this context, the main challenges for sustainable development vary, but there are important points in common. Despite favorable economic development, 31% of the region's population lives in poverty. Income disparities in Latin America are greater than in any other part of the world, expressing themselves in access and quality of health, education and basic services such as electricity and drinking water. The region's ecosystems are of global importance, including five of the ten most biodiverse countries on the planet (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru), as well as the most biologically diverse area in the world: the eastern slope of The Andes. However, this wealth is in serious danger, as these five countries are also among the group of 15 states whose fauna is most endangered. The region is also rich in cultural and linguistic diversity: over 650 indigenous peoples speak more than 600 languages. This diversity is a source of creativity, growth and human development, but can also lead to enormous social tensions, exclusion and discrimination. The problems of global climate change and threats to biodiversity have been greatly aggravated by the lack of protection of tropical forests. This makes the region even more vulnerable to extreme weather events such as cyclones, floods and droughts, especially the small islands in the Caribbean, which are even more threatened by sea level rise. The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are going through a historic moment, with socioeconomic, political stability and international leadership. In the region there are also consensus and shared points, despite the diversity of looks and emphasis. One of them is fundamental: the region understands that the agenda for tomorrow's sustainable development implies a paradigm shift, structural change that places equality and environmental sustainability at the center. And is promoted by that development with a single, universal, irreversible agenda of sustainable with equality. The regional agenda propose to grow with less structural heterogeneity and more productive development, and equalize by empowering human capacities and mobilizing energies from the state. The proposal also includes remedying the tremendous spatial disparities through more integrated societies around productive dynamics, with positive social and territorial synergies; the support of people by improving labor markets, transfers and the management of public policies. It is also included the protection of the environment, in solidarity with the future generations, which will live in a more uncertain scenario, the result of climate change and a greater shortage of natural resources. In short, it is aim to grow to equal and equal to grow. On the horizon long-term strategic vision, equality, economic growth and environmental sustainability have to build a unique speech. This paper is done as a need of reflection on one of the most relevant issues of Latin America: The future of the Colombian internal armed conflict within the framework of the transformation of the territory and the strategies for a sustainable development. As it is said, it is necessary to understand not only the regional scale aims, but also study the local events that require a specific analysis. The sustainable approach of this problem is intended to be argued through an Architectural and Territorial review. Addressing sustainability into this context also requires the formulation of the proper approach to each country, being mandatory to consider the exceptions and singularities of the continent in order to develop a complete strategy for each part that follows the intentions of the regional discourse. The diverse cases demand on the sustainable aim a flexible and personalized path so the internal decisions and priorities can be solved a reach, not only the regional claim, but also the international goals, including Latin America as an important as an integral part of the engine of growth and innovation of the global economy. Sustainability is not an academic pursuit or a professional activity; it is a way of life affecting everything an individual does. Therefore the approach that sustainable architecture does, puts into practice and encourage a sustainable way of life: design and built to contribute positively to the sustainability agenda, achieve economically strong, socially inclusive, stable communities while minimizing the impact on the environment associated with their construction, their life in use and at the end of their life, persuing a small ecological footprint, a positive and appropriate contribution to the social environment, addressing people's practical needs while enhancing their surrounding environment, psychological and physical well-being. The concept of sustainability is a product of perceiving a world with limited resources and waste absorption capacity, where each action implies future consequences. This leads to conceive the construction of a building as an act that does not begin with the arrival of the material to the workplace and does not end with the entrance of the users. Build is a close cycle that includes from the fabrication of the material up to its reuse and do not accept the concept of residue: the maintenance and the disassembly are also project. The greatest enemy of sustainability is the ecological aesthetic, conservationist, nostalgic of a rural past, of magic reasons, toward a situation in which everything that is not applicable and easily to transmit does not represent a solution. The use must find cracks in architecture; the form must be build attentive to changes. The meaning lies on those overlaps and contiguity that the project is required to allow by using soft strategies of composition. |
Relatori: | Matteo Robiglio, Elena Montacchini |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | G Geografia, Antropologia e Luoghi geografici > GD Estero G Geografia, Antropologia e Luoghi geografici > GI Tradizioni popolari SS Scienze Sociali ed economiche > SSF Scienze sociali |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per Il Progetto Sostenibile |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/6319 |
Capitoli: | The region of Latin America 1. What about Colombia? 1.1 Political Project: What has been happening in Colombia? 1.2 The peace agreement with FARC 1.3 Social Project: The profile of a guerilla 1.4 Economic Project: Back to the legal economy 2. Architecture of transition 2.1 The Temporary Normalization Zone: 'Mesetas' case study 3. Cocoa as a productive project 3.1 The product 3.2 Spatial features for a cocoa production 3.3 Potential use 3.4 Cocoa in the territory of Meta 4. A possible scenario 5. Bibliography |
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