Mattia Depetris
Blended city : buildings as active urban components.
Rel. Francesca Frassoldati, Gustavo Ambrosini, Mauro Berta. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2017
Abstract: |
INTRODUCTION The idea behind this thesis came from the Joint Studio between the Honk Kong Chinese University and the Politecnico of Turin, in March of this year. The theme in which I was involved in was named “Out of control, extreme conditions”. This extreme point of view helped me to make the situation of Shenzhen and Pearl River Delta in general clearer with an approach based on the absurd idea (that going deep in this topic became not so absurd) that one day, in the future, the Qianhai Bay will be flooded. Consequently the future organization of the City have to be re-thought in order to fit in a dystopic future that, in my opinion, could became utopic in architectural terms. Thinking how the in habitants have to feel the disaster led to go further in the analysis, considering how people perceive their ambient and how much is vital that context for them. Only in this way an architectural operation could became helpful, transforming a catastrophic event in an occasion to reconsider the landscape. The possibilities that this terrible event might occur are due to the massive land reclamation process that involve the area since 80’s. The contest was, at the beginning, really far from my usual perception, because we can say that somehow there is no land-based contest (because of the absence of the land) and so the design approach could sound strange and far from my typical point of view. But this became a challenge because in this way I could become closer to the scenario-imaginary, and more critical of it. Only after analysis and critics started the design approach and it is important to underline how the architectural proposal doesn’t aspire to be neither a perfect solution nor a criticism against the work done by James Comer Field Operations. I can find the supporting evidence of it in the victory of this masterplan in the urban-design competition. |
Relatori: | Francesca Frassoldati, Gustavo Ambrosini, Mauro Berta |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AO Progettazione U Urbanistica > UK Pianificazione urbana |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | Nuovo ordinamento > Laurea magistrale > LM-04 - ARCHITETTURA E INGEGNERIA EDILE-ARCHITETTURA |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/6214 |
Capitoli: | 1 Presentation of the themes 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Analysis of the situation, critical issues 1.2.1 No-foundation City and lack of architectural references 1.2.2 The nature conflict 1.2.3 Bricolage-city 1.2.4 Streets without meanings 1.2.5 Identity crisis 2 Design 2.1 Design basis 2.2 Footbridges: unifying objects 2.3 Water system 2.3.1 Water as purification, a didactic open-air promenade 2.3.2 Water as security 2.3.3 Water environment 2.4 Public park 3 Final considerations 3.1 It is all a matter of layers References Bibliography Sitography |
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