Betzabe Urquiola Rodriguez
Not just passing throught : migrants in the city : two cases in Turin.
Rel. Anna Maria Cristina Bianchetti. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2017
Abstract: |
The so called "Refugee crisis" (irregular mass migration) that has recently stricken Europe is a current issue which importance is evident since it agglomerates a series of factors that modify territories and generate geographies by its own. Some countries are more burdened than other since they are the target destination of a large percentage the displaced population. Southern countries as Italy and Greece feature a different situation as main entry points to Europe. There is an all Italian specificity that deserves to be revealed, playing a major role as a gateway country, the fluxes intertwined with other sources of irregular migration becoming a heterogeneous group of subjects gravitating through the territory. This triggered the question of how the dynamic of people, mostly in motion by forced displacement, affects the territory and change the city from within. Here a spectrum of informal practices is generated at a national level, but significantly relevant are the spontaneous solutions for refuge outside of government institutions' intervention; small and precise solutions that have a larger meaning and are able to profoundly mutate the city. The aim is to look at the radical conditions of mutation of population and urban spaces. This, through the specific analysis of two cases studied: Ex-Moi (Turin) and Campo Solidale (Saluzzo). These are two very different cases: one at the center of the city, one of the margins. The actors of the first are individuals that the city does not want to see. The actors of the second are laborers hired "by the piece" for seasonal jobs. The two cases are important because they demonstrate that it is not a detached phenomenon, intertwining with other conditions of deprivation. The Two cases help to understand a profound transformation of the city: the city no longer as the space for the construction of rights, as it was in the past in the Western world. The city was a reflection of citizenship and work. These places are within the city, but they are deprived of citizenship and work. This is why migration deeply changes the city. Not because new population comes into it, rather because the new population comes by changing the conditions of citizenship and work. Our technical skills can do little. But they can describe precisely this new city and can rethink a long tradition of studies developed to deal with transit and emergency situations. |
Relatori: | Anna Maria Cristina Bianchetti |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AH Edifici e attrezzature per l'abitazione A Architettura > AO Progettazione |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | Nuovo ordinamento > Laurea magistrale > LM-04 - ARCHITETTURA E INGEGNERIA EDILE-ARCHITETTURA |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/5951 |
Capitoli: | SUMMARY Introduction I Chapter: A World at War 1.1.A refugee Crisis Socio-demographic data Origin, Routs and destinations Reality Check Dublin Regulation 1.2.Public Debate 1.3.An New urban Question II Chapter: Not just Passing Through 2.1.A Transit Country 2.2.Italian Paradox Countries of origins and routes Gender and age 2.3.The reception system in Italy Asylum responses III Chapter: Permanent Temporalities 3.1.Which informality? 3.2.Out of sight 3.3.Cases Study Back to the ghetto: N5: Ex-MOI, former Olympic Villages. Turin Wanted but not welcome: N7: Campo Solidale. Saluzzo The Territorial Dimension of the public policies IV Chapter: "All lives matter" (welfare) 4.1.Eroded Italian Welfare 4.2.Local actions to a global problem, refugees as social actors 4.3.Transit Architecture Heritage of Ideas The places of transit habitat Conclusion Bibliography |
Bibliografia: | BIBLIOGRAPHY
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