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Usonia, a community built with Frank Lloyd Wright : preservation and enhancement proposals for the architectural heritage = Usonia, una comunità costruita con Frank Lloyd Wright : proposte di conservazione e valorizzazione per il patrimonio architettonico.
Rel. Emanuele Morezzi, Paolo Mellano, Annalisa Dameri, David G. De Long. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2016
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Abstract: |
Abstract: The thesis aims to give voice to one of the best example of American suburban planning remains little known from its foundation: the Usonia Homes community in Mount Pleasant, New York. Usonia design consists in the fulfillment of the Frank Lloyd Wright's dream about a suburban planning based on the principles of organic architecture and community life. The research attempts to bring to light the Usonia meaningful exemple of urban and architectural design, by providing an account that take roots in the study of literature and specialized journals. Moreover, the theorical study was enriched by a survey on the field concerning the transformations that occurred over time on Wright's architectural heritage in Usonia, in order to deepen the knowledge regarding the common strategies adopted to preserve. This analysis represents the background on which take roots the conclusive objective of the research, that is the definition of specific parameters for a project proposal. The project includes both preservation and enhancement measures, which aim to be respectful of the theorical study and, at the same time, to be able to propose a creative solutions by which to promote the knowledge of the Usonia testimony.
Relatori: | Emanuele Morezzi, Paolo Mellano, Annalisa Dameri, David G. De Long |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AS Storia dell'Architettura G Geografia, Antropologia e Luoghi geografici > GD Estero |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | University of Pennsylvania |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/4786 |
Capitoli: | PART 1 An overview of Frank Lloyd Wright's fundamentals 1.1.Discovering Frank Lloyd Wright 1.2.The exceptional nature of Wright's education Document 1 a Influences on Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture - Decorative elements Document 1 b Influences on Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture - Architectural elements PART 2 Introducing "Usonia": an interpretation of Wright's city planning principles 2.1.Urban Planning according to organic principles Document 2 Wright's city visions 2.2.The Usonian vision PART 3 Visiting Usonia Homes Interview: Mr Roland Reisley PART 4 Usonia Homes territorial analysis 4.1.The historical context 4.2.Founding the community 4.3.Usonia Flomes plan analysis Document 3 Usonia transformations Focus: Westchester County State Roads | Historic Places PARTS An overview of modern architecture preservation in the United States 5.1.The historical context 5.2.Frank Lloyd Wright's preservation: case studies -The reinforcement of the structural systems -The necessity to restore the damaged architectural elements -The need to provide modern comfort systems 5.3.Conclusions and introduction to the enhancement project PART 6 The preservation and enhancement project 6.1.The project background 6.2.The project objectives PART 7 Conclusions Bibliography Attachements a. National Register of Historic Places: Usonia Historic District b Project tables 1.Usonia Homes: Location 2.Usonia: Time Line 3.Usonia Homes: Site 4.Archive survey: Avery's department of Drawings and Archives, Columbia University, NY 5.Case study: Sol Friedman House 6.Case study: Serlin House 7.Case study: 1 .Reisley House 8.Case study: 2.Reisley House 9.Chart: Materials and Preservation Status 10.Restoration Project: Reisley House 11.Usonia Homes: Enhancement Project |
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