Arianna Fonsati
Sustainable indicators and energy reduction for INDICATE and DIMMER projects.
Rel. Anna Osello. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2015
Abstract: |
Using indicators in order to give an evaluation towards sustainability has its origins in article 40 of Agenda 21. In order to examine this topic in depth, a considerable number of projects were developed with the aim of selecting efficient sets of indicators to be used in evaluating the capability of cities to act in a sustainable way and to communicate complex concepts to the public in an easy way. After having analyzed some of the most important projects and proposals, which led to the definition of "rules" to follow in the construction of effective sets of indicators, certain conclusions have been drawn about the ability or inability of some cities to reach their objectives. Within this context, the Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and In-formation Exchanged Platform for Smart Cities (INDICATE) founded by the 7th Framework of the European Union is based on the use of sustainable indicators. The main goal of the project is the realization of a supporting tool able to guide potential stakeholders, Public Administration and private investors, towards the right choice to make, in order to improve the energy efficiency of cities. The DIMMER project is another European funded project, which is similar to the INDICATE project, but its main goal is to monitor buildings and increase users' awareness; in this case the demonstrator is a distric in Turin. The thesis was developed in relation to both projects. The research carried out within the INDICATE project and the practical part referring to the DIMMER demonstrator in Turin are alike in some respects. The most interesting aspect was testing the energy simulation software used by the INDICATE project on a building which is part of the DIMMER district. In particular, the interoperability between the 3D modelling tool Revit Architecture and the energy simulation software IES<VE> was tested; the results obtained show how the process followed throughtout the thesis was valid and efficient, although there are still some limits related to the workflow from one software to the other. |
Relatori: | Anna Osello |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AB Architettura degli interni S Scienze e Scienze Applicate > SH Fisica tecnica |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/4382 |
Capitoli: | CONTENTS ABSTRACT AKNOWLEDGMENT INTRODUCTION GENERAL CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE INDICATORS EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS ECI - European Common Indicators Towards A Local Sustainability Profile LASALA - Local Authorities' Self Assessment Of Local Agenda PASTILLE - Promoting Action For Sustainability Through Indicators At The Local Level In Europe TISSUE - Trends And Indicators For Monitoring The European Strategy On Sustainable Development Of The Urban Environment STATUS - Sustainability Tools And Targets For The Urban Thematic Strategy SIEMENS GREEN CITY INDEX INFORMED CITIES CPD CITIES - Carbon Disclosure Project URBAN-NEXUS GLOBAL CITY INDICATOR FACILITY ALGARVE'S REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN DCW - DUNDEE CENTRAL WATERFRONT URBAN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT HOW CITIES ARE MONITORING AND EVALUATING THEIR SUCCESS CONCLUSIONS - KEY FINDINGS INDICATE PROJECT CONCEPT, GOALS, ORGANIZATION AND OUTCOMES INDICATE DEMONSTRATION SITES Test site: Genoa Test Site: Dundalk WORK PACKAGE 3 (WP3) COMMON CITY INDEX (CCI) Main points to be considered in the selection of indicators Potential set of indicators The Environmental Domain-Specific Index Index Calculation And Comparison Between Case Studies (Turin And Genoa) Conclusions KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS KPI AT DISTRICT AND BUILDING LEVELS THE LINK BETWEEN INDICATE AND DIMMER THE DIMMER PROJECT Polito's District SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INDICATE AND DIMMER CASE STUDY: "COLLEGIO UNIVERSITARIO Dl TORINO R. EINAUDI" - SECTION SAN PAOLO COLLEGIO UNIVERSITARIO Dl TORINO R. EINAUDI CONTEXT - BORGO SAN PAOLO THE BUILDING Analysis of the historic documentation The "new" Collegio Einaudi THE ARCHITECTURAL MODEL The choice of the parametric software: methodology and interoperability General description of the realization of the model and choice of LOD The realization of the model: main steps Creation of new loadable families - starting from generic models BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: SIMULATION TOOLS EXAMPLE OF SOFTWARES FOR THERMAL SIMULATION DOE-2 RIUSKA eQUEST EnergyPlus DESIGN BUILDER OpenStudio TRNSYS IES-Virtual Environment (VE) SOFTWARE SUITE HO BIM INTEGRATION WITH BUILDING PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: INTEROPERABILITY BETWEEN REVIT AND IES<VE> SUMMARY OF THE INTEROPERABILITY PROCESS 'TO DO LIST' to translate Revit model into <VE> Workflow example Revit to IES<VE> THERMAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ENERGY MODEL VS. ARCHITECTURAL MODEL Specific issues - examples of unrecognized elements WORKFLOW SUMMARY HOW TO SET THERMAL SIMULATIONS Specific settings for the case study RESULTS OVERALL RESULTS SPECIFIC RESULTS FOR THE DIMMER PROJECT: TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY COMPARISON BETWEEN IES<VE> AND OpenStudio CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDIXES APPENDIX A: Drawings of the original project of Collegio R. Einaudi San Paolo section from "Archivio di Stato" APPENDIX B: Drawings from the architectural model and complete results from thermal simulation with IES-VE |
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