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Energy and cost optimazationleadin n-SEB deisgn - a single family house in Piedmont Region

Rokhsareh Yousefi

Energy and cost optimazationleadin n-SEB deisgn - a single family house in Piedmont Region.

Rel. Stefano Paolo Corgnati, Cristina Becchio. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per Il Progetto Sostenibile, 2015


Building sector consumes about 1/3 of the global energy consumption. As a matter of fact, in Europe the building sector is responsible for more than 40% of the total primary energy consumption, and 36% of the C02 emissions. To avoid a further increase of these values, the European Union published a Communication analyzing the options for moving beyond a 20% reduction of energy consumption by 2020, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and assessing the risk of "carbon leakage".

This strategy implemented by the Energy Efficiency Communication, which proposes mid and long-term objectives for the EU’s energy efficiency policy. In particular, it proposes a new energy efficiency target of 30% for 2030. With current measures, the EU will achieve energy savings of 18-19% by 2020, and to reach this 20% goal, it would be enough if all the member states only apply the agreed legislations without any need of additional measures. Also, the recast of “European Energy Performance of Building Directive" (EPBD) defined ambitious levels in two fundamental areas in order to reach the mentioned targets. The first aim is to spread nearly zero energy buildings (n-ZEBs) that are characterized by a very high energy performance (requiring almost zero or very low amount of energy) which will be largely covered by energy produced from renewable sources. The second aim is to identify cost-optimal levels of energy performance requirements for buildings.

The Commission Cost-Optimality Delegated Regulation (EC, 2012a) introduced a comparative framework methodology to determine a cost-optimal level of minimum energy performance of buildings and buildings elements. It establishes the necessity to take into account the global lifetime costs of buildings, and determining their future energy performance requirements. Furthermore, investment, operational, maintenance, disposal and energy saving costs of buildings will be considered. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the energy performance of the building, along with the financial aspects.

In order to follow the above mentioned regulations, a real single family house is chosen, located in Piedmont Region, Italy, to study and introduce different energy scenarios.

The aim of this study is using the cost optimal methodology as an evaluation tool at the primary stage of the project in order to identify different energetic configurations. In fact, the goals expected to achieve by the end of this study are reducing the required budget in the energy packages, initial investment, and energy consumption costs coming afterwards. The goal is to explore a common method that can be used as a support in the various decision-making processes, those emerge during the architectural design, technology choices, and energy scenarios.

In detail, different solutions with different initial investment cost values for envelope configurations and plant systems were selected, while the architectural aspects of the building remained with no change.

The chosen methodology follows different steps; the starting point consists in the energy evaluation by adopting different envelope configurations, which effects the energy demand. The envelope components are chosen to fulfill the energy performance requirement levels based on the building regulation of the city of Turin. The component’s U-transmittances are almost the same, but different in terms of internal mass. So it was for this reason that internal thermal comfort was analyzed.

Furthermore, the energy calcu for heating, cooling, lighting, and HVAC sywas assessed by using the software “EnergyPluh allows performnamic energy simulation.

Second step is evaof the financial performance, which is calculated by the gst methodology as a decision-making tool betferent energy scenarios. Finally, by comparing theinds os in a graph, the cost optimal level can be and further it helps to make an adequate design choialyzing the relationship between energy performances and costs, those are applied during theife cycle of the .

In order to confrobustness of results obtained from the cost optimal methodology, different sensitivity analysis are carried out by varying some effective inputs.

So, at the end the most convenient energy package will be chosen based on the best architectural aspects, and optimized energy and economic packages.

Relatori: Stefano Paolo Corgnati, Cristina Becchio
Tipo di pubblicazione: A stampa
Soggetti: A Architettura > AD Bioarchitettura
A Architettura > AO Progettazione
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Per Il Progetto Sostenibile
Classe di laurea: NON SPECIFICATO
Aziende collaboratrici: NON SPECIFICATO
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/4086



1.1. European Legislation

1.1.1. from EPBD to the EPBD Recast

1.1.2. Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (n-ZEBs)

1.2. National Legislation Background

1.2.1. Lgs.D.192/2005 to the National Guide Lines

1.2.2.M.D.26 June 2009

1.3. Energy Legislation of Piedmont Region

1.3.1. Transposition of National and European Directives in Piedmont Region

1.3.2. the Rules of R.L.13/2008

1.4. Active House

1.5. Cost-Optimal methodology

1.5.1. Sustainable Development

1.5.2. EPBD recast and Cost-Optimal

1.5.3. Global cost calculation

2. Establishment of Reference Building

2.1. General Frame Work

2.2. Photographic Survey

2.3. Architectural Design

3. Identification of Different Energy Scenarios

3.1. Energy Simulation With EnergyPlus

3.2. The Construction Pattern

3.3. Subdivision of Building Into Different Thermal Zones

3.4. Geometrical Model

3.5. The Basic Stratigraphy

3.6. The Natural Ventilation

3.7. The Set Points

3.8. The Internal Heat Gains

3.9. Domestic Hot Water Demand

4. Defining Project Assumptions

4.1. Assumptions at the Level of Envelope Configuration

4.1.1. Opaque Envelope

4.1.2. The Case Study's Stratigraphy

4.1.3. Glazing System Definition

4.2. Assumptions at the Level of Facilities Systems

4.3. The Requirements for Renewable Sources

4.4. Definition of the Designed Packages

4.5. Consumption in Detail

5. Economic Evaluation (Cost-Optimal Methodology)

5.1. General Data

5.2. Initial Investment Cost

5.2.1. Estimation of Analytic Parameters Initial Investment Cost for Different Envelope Configurations Initial Investment Cost for Different Plant Systems

5.3. Energy Cost

5.3.1. GAS Bill

5.3.2. Electricity Bill

5.3.3. Annual Energy Cost

5.4. Maintenance Cost

5.5. Replacement Cost

5.6. Residual Value

5.7. The Global Cost Calculation

6. Identification of Cost Optimal Level

6.1. Derivation of Cost-Optimal Level

6.2. Sensitivity Analysis

6.2.1. Discount Rate

6.2.2. Price Development Rate

6.2.3. Calculation Period

6.3. Results Evaluation Based in the Sensitivity Analysis

7. Internal Thermal Comfort

7.1. General Requirements

7.2. Evaluation of Microclimate Quality

7.3. the Adaptive Model, EN 12251/2007

7.4. the Adaptive Model, ASHRAE 55/2005


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