Chiara Ehrhardt
Investigation of five recital halls designed by Arup : uncertainty-based validation of reverberation time prediction models vs. measured performance.
Rel. Arianna Astolfi, Alessio Carullo, Helen Butcher , Luca Dellatorre, Ian Knowles. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città, 2013
Abstract: |
Prediction models and computer simulations have become indispensable tools for designing and Consulting in acoustics. The reliability of thè results obtained from these tools is dependent on different causes. Low frequencies, for example, proved to be less accurate both in thè spread sheet and computer models. The main subject of this dissertation is to study five small music halls that Arup has completed in the last few years and to compare their measured performances at low frequencies with different prediction methods. This is owing to thè fact that at low frequencies all thè investigated concert halls show consistent differences between predicted and measured results. The aim of this dissertation is to determine whether this difference is a result of prediction errors or if it is a measurement error (lab/site). Considering thè uncertainties that come from thè analysis of all thè data collected during thè researches done in Arup, this thesis develops a statistical method, Monte Carlo, to estimate thè uncertainties that can provide possible reasons for thè different results obtained between predictions and measurements. The concert halls that have been investigated are: Kings Place, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Hoddinot Hall, Milton Court and Elisabeth Murdoch Hall. The reverberation time parameter is thè parameter used to investigate and determine thè accuracy of prediction against thè measurements. The prediction tools used for thè design of thè hall, which will be investigated below, are both spread sheets and Odeon® software version 12. Room acoustics measurements of the Concert Halls were done using WinMLS®, running on a Dell® laptop. |
Relatori: | Arianna Astolfi, Alessio Carullo, Helen Butcher , Luca Dellatorre, Ian Knowles |
Tipo di pubblicazione: | A stampa |
Soggetti: | A Architettura > AO Progettazione S Scienze e Scienze Applicate > SH Fisica tecnica |
Corso di laurea: | Corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città |
Classe di laurea: | NON SPECIFICATO |
Aziende collaboratrici: | NON SPECIFICATO |
URI: | http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/3389 |
Capitoli: | 1. Introduction 2. How to develop thè design of a concert hall: strategies adopted by Arup over thè years 2.1. The ‘six requirements for an outstanding chamber music room’ 2.1.1. A well-proportioned room 2.1.2. Appropriate room fìnishes 2.1.3. Sound diffusion 2.1.4. Absence of noise 2.1.5. Acoustic variability 2.1.6. Facilities 2.2. Acoustic Design Targets 3. The five concert halls 3.1. Kings Place, London 3.2. Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff 3.3. BBC Hoddinott Hall, Cardiff 3.4. Milton Court, London 3.5. Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne 4. Reverberation Time: thè key index to evaluate thè acoustics of concert halls 4.1 How to predict and measure thè Reverberation Time 4.1.1 Spread sheet vs. Odeon Model 4.1.2 Room acoustics measurements by Arup 4.2 Prediction vs. measurement results of thè five concert halls 4.2.1 Kings Place 4.2.2 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama 4.2.3 BBC Hoddinott Hall 4.2.4 Milton Court 4.2.5 Elisabeth Murdoch Hall 4.3 Final considerations about this first analysis 5. Evaluation of thè uncertainty using thè Monte Carlo method 5.1 Evaluation of uncertainty 5.1.1 Main stages of uncertainty evaluation 5.2 The Monte Carlo method 5.2.1 Propagation of distribution using thè Monte Carlo method 5.3 Evaluation of RT uncertainty of: Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama 5.3.1 Volume uncertainty 5.3.2Absorption coefficient uncertainty 5.3.2.I Tested materials materials: 5.3.3 Recap of thè absorption areas inside thè investigated halls 5.4 Distribution functions for thè Monte Carlo 5.5 Distribution function tables of thè investigated concert halls 6 Results 6.1 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama 6.2 Kings Place 6.3 Milton Court 7. Conclusions APPENDIX A: pictures and drawings of thè five concert halls APPENDIX B: volume measurement data APPENDIX C: four models to evaluate thè absorption coefficient of thè resonant absorb thè resonant absorbers graphs obtained inside thè investigated halls. 8. Bibliography |
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