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Random Walking Spiders for Decentralized Learning at Edge Networks

Federico Ghiglione

Random Walking Spiders for Decentralized Learning at Edge Networks.

Rel. Eros Gian Alessandro Pasero, Erdem Koyuncu. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering), 2024

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Decentralized LearningDecentralized learning is a type of Machine Learning architecture where data is distributed among several nodes. With this approach, each node has its own dataset, usually a fraction of the whole dataset, and it can train a model with its own data without the need to communicate with the other nodes. One of the most popular algorithms used in this field is Random Walk Learning (RWL). In RWL, we have a single model that is sent to a node chosen randomly among all the nodes in the network; the node will train the model for a certain number of epochs( usually one epoch) and then send it to another node chosen randomly among its neighbors which will repeat the same process. In this way, the model can learn from different nodes during the learning process, but it faces some challenges, such as scenarios where the data distribution among the nodes is heterogenous, leading to accuracy issues because the accuracy could depend on the path chosen from the first node to the last one. A new algorithm called Random Walking Spiders(RWS) has been introduced to solve these issues. The main difference between RWL and RWS is that in RWS, we have more models trained simultaneously instead of just one, like in RWL. Each model is initially sent to a random node and is trained with the local dataset, like in RWL, for a certain number of epochs (usually one epoch). After the local training in the node, all the models are sent to the same node, and an average of the model parameters is performed there, so every model becomes equal to each other, and then each model is sent to a new node chosen randomly, and the process repeats itself. The idea behind this new algorithm is to learn from more nodes simultaneously instead of just one at a time, as in RWL. The RWS algorithm can be implemented in two different variants: non-adaptive RWS and adaptive RWS. The non-adaptive RWS is the process described before where the modes are trained in different nodes, then averaged, and passed to other nodes. The adaptive-RWS is an update of the non-adaptive case where we have just one model at the beginning since it's enough in the first epochs, while after certain conditions are met, it is split into more models. In order to test the algorithm, the CIFAR-10 and FASHION_MNSIT public datasets were used, the results show the superiority of both the non-adaptive RWS and the adaptive over the RWL algorithm in terms of accuracy. While the non-adaptive RWS is better in the long term, the adaptive RWS is better also in short-medium scenarios. This performance improvement makes this algorithm a significant advancement in the decentralized learning field. No human subjects were used to accomplish this task.

Relatori: Eros Gian Alessandro Pasero, Erdem Koyuncu
Anno accademico: 2023/24
Tipo di pubblicazione: Elettronica
Numero di pagine: 55
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering)
Classe di laurea: Nuovo ordinamento > Laurea magistrale > LM-32 - INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA
Aziende collaboratrici: University of Illinois at Chicago
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/31717
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