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Micro-mobility vehicles: current regulatory framework and possible solutions to improve safety for the road user.

Hassan Ali Makkawi Gassim

Micro-mobility vehicles: current regulatory framework and possible solutions to improve safety for the road user.

Rel. Marco Diana, Antonio Giaquinto. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Civile, 2024

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In recent years, micro-mobility usage, such as electric bikes and electric scooters, has become increasingly popular as a mode of transport in many countries due to the introduction of shared services. Electric micro-mobility vehicles are environmentally friendly, provide efficient solutions for last-mile trips, and link to major transit stations. However, due to their new establishment , the regulatory framework governing micro-mobility vehicles varies across different countries, and they have undergone several changes over the years. While micro-mobility vehicles offer substitution benefits to individuals, the safety concern regarding these vehicles remains controversial. This thesis aims to analyze the existence of the regulatory framework governing micro-mobility vehicles, particularly electric scooters and e-bikes, in terms of technical specifications, the use of infrastructure, and homologation requirements in Belgium, France, and Germany. In addition, explore the similarities and differences within the regulations in these countries. Furthermore, to understand the safety of micro-mobility vehicles and the key risk factors associated with e-bike and e-scooter accidents, a descriptive analysis, as well as the construction of a random forest model through R programming language, is made for e-scooter accidents in France and e-bike accidents in Belgium and France. The selection of these countries in terms of analysis and modeling is merely due to the data availability. The random forest model aims to predict the severity levels resulting from e-scooter and e-bike accidents by examining variables related to user and trip characteristics, infrastructure characteristics, and collision characteristics. The results of the key risk variables that influence e-scooters and e-bike accidents provide us clear guidelines for introducing technology advancements to improve their safety. To the best of our knowledge, we suggest the implementation of an ITS system (Intelligent transportation system) on e-scooters and e-bikes, as well as smart safety equipment, including a smart helmet and a smart reflective vest. 

Relatori: Marco Diana, Antonio Giaquinto
Anno accademico: 2023/24
Tipo di pubblicazione: Elettronica
Numero di pagine: 158
Corso di laurea: Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Civile
Classe di laurea: Nuovo ordinamento > Laurea magistrale > LM-23 - INGEGNERIA CIVILE
Aziende collaboratrici: TO.TEM S.R.L.
URI: http://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/id/eprint/31547
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